Nocodian – Start Business with Zero Code

An educational platform teaching No/Low code tools extensively focused on mastering the tools!

01.  Project Overview

1.1  The Challenge

People come up with interesting app ideas in their heads. But the app development costs turns them down from trying out their ideas. With the Low code/No code tools, anyone can now build their app themselves without any prior IT knowledge. These tools are simple to use and people could create basic apps.

The problem is when it comes to harnessing the real power of these tool to make your app work the way it’s supposed to do. There isn’t any sufficient knowledge available, explaining the tools working and functionality in different scenarios.

Potential to reduce the development time by Low code/ no-code solutions
People desire to automate task or aspect of business
of businesses are projected to adopt the mixture of low-code/no-code innovation
Used it as it was fastest way to achieve something at work

1.2  The Goal

The project aims to launch an educational platform, closing the knowledge gap inhibiting users from maximizing Low code/No code tool potential. Our goal is to empower individuals and businesses by providing comprehensive guidance, tutorials, and skills to confidently build fully functional apps. This initiative strives to accelerate task automation, meeting the demand of 76% seeking streamlined business processes. Our vision aligns with the projected 75% adoption of low-code/no-code tools in businesses, making app development accessible and efficient.

02.  Hypothesis

We hypothesize that by providing accessible and detailed tutorials on leveraging low-code/no-code tools, we can significantly enhance users' ability to transform their app ideas into functional solutions. The hypothesis rests on the assumption that empowering users with in-depth insights into tool functionalities will lead to a substantial reduction in development time, tapping into the 90% potential identified in our research. Furthermore, we anticipate that this knowledge transfer will fuel a 28% increase in tool adoption, driven by users recognizing the fastest way to achieve their goals through comprehensive understanding and effective utilization of these innovative solutions.

2.1.  Why there’s a need of an educational platform?

Firstly, people turn to Low code/No code tools because its easy, quick and affordable. However there’s a learning curve and people do need models and example to follow and implement in their work. Stats shows that

Says there is lack of examples to follow from
Users paid online course to learn

Secondly, companies are leaning towards low code tools to function and engage their technical teams into more complex task.
Gartner predicts that 75% of the large enterprise will be using at least four no-code low-code development tools for IT and citizen development initiatives by 2024.

Therefore employees needs to learn tools (s) as it’s now it’s linked to their recognition in company and promotion. No Code users are benefiting professionally from their use.


03.  User Research

In establishing the foundation for our hypothesis, I meticulously conducted a multi-faceted user research initiative. This comprehensive approach involved a rigorous competitive analysis, delving into existing solutions to unearth industry trends and benchmarks. By understanding the landscape, I gained valuable insights that informed my hypothesis about the effectiveness of low-code/no-code tools. To deepen my understanding of user needs and behaviors, I created detailed user personas, painting vivid portraits of our target audience.

This step allowed me to step into the shoes of our users, identifying pain points and aspirations that directly influenced my hypothesis. Furthermore, I employed empathy mapping to visually synthesize my findings, mapping out user experiences and emotions. This technique brought an additional layer of depth to my research, ensuring that my hypothesis isn't just based on raw data but is deeply rooted in the nuanced understanding of our users.

These strategic UX practices seamlessly fortify my hypothesis with tangible evidence, harmonizing my expectations with the genuine needs and preferences of our audience. The interplay of competitive analysis, user personas, and empathy mapping not only validates my assumptions but also lays a robust foundation for crafting accessible and impactful educational platform.

I surveyed a cohort of 20 participants, carefully selected through stakeholder collaboration. This diverse group comprised individuals either currently nurturing innovative ideas or having previously engaged in such endeavors. Additionally, I conducted in-depth interviews with 6 participants within the age range of 26-54, enriching our qualitative insights.

Users prefer to learn tool and create product themselves
Users struggle to decide what tool is suitable for their use case
Users find YouTube videos insufficient
Users don’t like wasting time searching for videos
Users prefer in-depth learning of a tool
Users favor a subscription covering multiple tools.

Insights gathered from user interviews

Users meddle with tools to do it by themselves
Users struggle to decide what tool is suitable for their use case
Users find YouTube videos insufficient
Users don’t like wasting time searching for videos
Users prefer in-depth learning of a tool
Users favor a subscription covering multiple tools.

Collected insights reveal users seek education platforms but often lack what they need.

Competitive Analysis

To test our hypothesis, I conducted secondary research to determine what already exists in the problem domain,identify industry trends, benchmark against existing solutions. I found various educational platforms but examined three that are among popular learning platforms.

Nocode Lab




Limited to 6 tools
Content Diversity
Free Resources
Interviews, Blog, Podcast, Deals

Nocode Lab




Limited to 6 tools
Content Diversity
Free Resources
Interviews, Blog, Podcast, Deals

Nocode Lab




Limited to 6 tools
Content Diversity
Free Resources
Interviews, Blog, Podcast, Deals
After diving deep into comparing these platforms, it became crystal clear to me that they were missing the mark. They seem more interested in quantity than quality, leaving a real gap in providing detailed tutorials for each tool. That's where my hypothesis transforms into a solution.

What's needed is a platform that's not just budget-friendly but also puts a spotlight on in-depth tutorials, filling the void I spotted. Through my research journey, it became evident that this approach not only aligns with user expectations but also empowers them to master these tools effectively.

The next step was to create personas to better understand user needs and expectations from this platform.

Design transcends aesthetics; it's the art of solving real problems.

3.2.  User Personas

Having gained a profound understanding of the project's target audience through data analysis, I crafted user personas to intimately connect with the individuals who will benefit from this educational platform.

3.3.  User Empathy Maps

To forge a deeper connection with the end-users and illuminate their mindset, I constructed an empathy map. Drawing insights from intensive interview sessions, I meticulously documented observations and notations. This map serves as a dynamic tool, encapsulating the users' emotions, concerns, and aspirations.

Time to make a decision

In the user research journey for our innovative platform, I meticulously reviewed diverse data, from interview transcripts to survey responses. Creating affinity diagrams, I visually mapped relationships, revealing compelling patterns like a consistent desire for in-depth learning.

Having identified these recurring themes, the next step involved translating them into actionable insights. The insights highlighted the pivotal role of accessible and detailed tutorials in meeting user expectations. Prioritizing these insights based on their potential impact, I transformed them into design principles, emphasizing the need for an educational platform that combines affordability with thorough tool instruction.

04.  Crafting Design Solution

With my users research in hand. It was clear to stakeholder what users are looking for and where other educational platforms are missing out. Along the stakeholder, I got on drawing board and start brainstorming the ideas for the website. From design to functionality to implementation.

4.1.  Style Guide

Client already had the company logo created. Although the primary color was chosen but we went through the colors again to choose to make sure if it’s what the client actually needs. Primary color is a mix of responsibility with a cool vibe. And the same vibe is carried on with secondary colors as well.
A renowned typeface called “Poppins” is used in the design. It is a good choice when it comes to legible, modern and friendly.

4.2.  Design Components

I focused on creating a system of reusable components that prioritized both user experience and visual consistency. Each component was meticulously designed with accessibility, clarity, and user interaction in mind. This involved carefully considering factors like intuitive functionality, responsiveness across devices, and alignment with the overall brand identity. By establishing a comprehensive component library, I ensured a cohesive visual language throughout the website, while also streamlining the development process and promoting maintainability in the future.

05.  Page Designs

Crafted to align with user needs and project objectives, each page serves as a visual narrative of thoughtful design choices. From the strategic layout structure to the integration of a refined color scheme and typefaces, the pages reflect a commitment to consistency and brand identity. The amalgamation of aesthetic appeal and functional efficacy ensures that every user interaction is not just visually engaging but also intuitively navigable. These pages, conceived through an iterative and user-driven design process, collectively contribute to a cohesive and impactful digital experience.

06.  Development in Webflow

We decided to go with Webflow CMS. As it’s fully flexible when it comes to implementing design just like your design file. Before deciding on CMS, I research about various solutions like Webflow, WordPress and Wix. Not to my surprise, webflow can easily handle what we wanted to do.

Also it’s one of the Low code tool as well so stakeholder voted for webflow. But the reason for going with the webflow is the integration of other two low/no code apps like Zapier and Airtable.

5.1.  Airtable Database

Database was created on airtable. Which contains everything like tool name, short description, lessons, free lessons, links to lesson videos and exercises, access privilege etc.

5.2.  Automation with Zapier

Zapier is used to automate the process. Meaning whenever a tool is added in database, edit made to existing record or anything else. Zappier triggers and zap were created to send the update to webflow.

5.3.  3rd party tools Integration

The whole ideas of using airtable as DB and using Zaps to update collection on webflow was the ease of use and commitment to low/no code tools.For the stakeholder this was to demonstrate that low/no code tools are powerful, robust and flexible enough to do however you like them to work. Together in collaboration with other tools. The point was made to show that the future is with these tools.

07.  Future Directions

The website has been designed and developed and handed over to the stakeholder. Right now they are working on creating curriculum and updating their website day by day.

The next phase will start after launch of the website. In which I’ll be reviewing website performance along their marketing team. Based on the stats I’d be commissioned to make more landing pages and do the A/B tests. Also do the usability testing with website users. And make necessary adjustments to keep a smooth user experience.

My clients like to say nice things
My clients like to say nice things