PRM Billing – Restructuring Company’s Future

PRM is a medical billing specialist company that helps practices not just survive, but thrive!

01.  Project Overview

1.1  The Challenge

PRM solely working as Account Manager with Solo physicians who are in a decline, both from a size and ownership perspective. Clients see their value as AM for solo physicians not PRM as a brand. This made PRM to enhance brand awareness and value as the group get larger to target Mid-Large physicians group. Plus PRM is stagnant to growth due to no new revenue streams. PRM needed to rebrand itself and create a whole new website that describe company’s value and beliefs in a bespoke way.

1.2  The Goal

Tasked with spearheading the redesign and development of the PRM website, I took charge of the project. Armed with extensive market research, I leveraged this valuable foundation during the user research phase. The main goal wasn't just to revamp the site but to present it as a complete solution for solo, mid-sized, and large physician groups. his project aims to demonstrate how the redesigned website serves as a comprehensive solution, aligning with PRM's mission to meet the diverse needs of physicians across varying scales of practice.

02.  The Process

Collaborating closely with the marketing team, I began by immersing myself in the existing research. We charted our course and devised a plan of action for the project.
The marketing team had already conducted a competitive analysis and developed a preliminary information architecture for the new website. Delving into the nature and operations of the business, I gained insights into each competitor's strengths and weaknesses. With the data in hand, we embarked on the journey to uncover the essence of PRM.

2.1.  SWOT Analysis

We conducted a SWOT analysis to pinpoint PRM's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis was crucial in understanding PRM's current position and guiding our strategic decisions. It provided insights into what PRM excels at, areas for improvement, potential areas for growth, and risks to be mindful of. This strategic assessment laid the foundation for a user-centric approach, ensuring that our design solutions align with PRM's strengths and address any challenges identified through the analysis.

2.2.  Target Audience

Analyzing our target audience, including their demographics, location, and education, was a crucial step in shaping our approach. This detailed understanding not only guides our marketing strategy but also influences the tone of our messaging.
By tailoring our content to resonate with our audience, we aim to enhance consistency in communication across marketing campaigns and website content. This strategic alignment ensures a more impactful and cohesive relationship-building process with our customers.

2.3.  User Personas

With a comprehensive understanding of the company's market reputation, competitors, and target audience, our next focus was on creating user personas.
This involved delving into the varied types of users expected on the website. By crafting personas that outline users' goals, frustrations, and motivations, we aimed to empathize with their perspectives and gain insights into their mindset. This user-centric approach ensures that our design decisions align with the diverse needs and expectations of the individuals engaging with the website.

2.4.  Brand Personality

Defining brand personality is crucial in conveying your message to users. The brand personality needs to align with users energy, intellectual level/ intelligence and mindset. We redefined PRM brand image to not to look like nerdy accountants rather approachable friendly professionals.

03.  Brainstorming & Ideation

Embarking on the design process, I delved into the intricacies of user journey mapping to unravel the distinct experiences of each persona as they navigated through the website. This insightful exploration illuminated touchpoints and potential pain points, providing a holistic view of user interactions. With these valuable insights, I seamlessly transitioned into crafting a clear and intuitive information architecture tailored to meet the diverse needs of each persona. Site maps, user flows, and wireframing became instrumental tools in translating the user journey findings into tangible structures.
Prototyping then allowed for an interactive preview, enabling early testing and refinement of design concepts. This iterative approach, guided by the personas' experiences, ensured that the information architecture not only aligned with user expectations but also laid a solid foundation for a user-friendly and engaging website.

Low fidelity wireframes prepared
High fidelity were created during design process

04.  Making it happen

With a comprehensive understanding of user needs, informed by extensive research and design ideation, the time had come to translate concepts into tangible designs.
Armed with the insights garnered from user personas, journey mapping, and iterative testing, the design phase commenced. This pivotal stage involved bringing creativity to the forefront while ensuring alignment with the established information architecture.
From selecting color palettes that resonated with the brand identity to refining typography that enhanced readability, every design element was meticulously crafted. The goal was not just aesthetic appeal but a seamless integration of form and function, creating a visually engaging and user-friendly interface that would resonate with the diverse audience identified through our research

4.1.  Style Guide

Started with setting brand colors as PRM didn’t had any kind of branding before. I came up with these colors to give a vibe of professionalism but also friendly and approachable at the same time. We needed a typeface that’s clean with a friendly feel. First I was inclined toward rounded fonts with one that also has a feel of business. Reviewed many typeface and I choose Proxima Nova for the website. It appears elegant, professional and at the same time genial.

4.2.  Color Scheme

4.3.  Typography

4.4.  Iconography

4.5.  Pattern Library

As a designer immersed in the project, I found the pattern library to be my design sanctuary. It's not just a collection of elements; it's the backbone of design consistency. When navigating the intricate web of design challenges, the pattern library becomes my compass, ensuring that every button, form, or interaction aligns seamlessly with the established visual language.

05.  Page Designs

Crafted to align with user needs and project objectives, each page serves as a visual narrative of thoughtful design choices. From the strategic layout structure to the integration of a refined color scheme and typefaces, the pages reflect a commitment to consistency and brand identity. The amalgamation of aesthetic appeal and functional efficacy ensures that every user interaction is not just visually engaging but also intuitively navigable. These pages, conceived through an iterative and user-driven design process, collectively contribute to a cohesive and impactful digital experience.

06.  Development in Webflow

After finishing the design work. I got onto developing the website using a very flexible CMS called Webflow. Started the process by defining the Type-scal, Colors and creating classes for every use. Created all of the components as shown in design components. As this ensures consistency, reusability and scalability.Completed the development and QA testing in the span of 4-weeks. Delivered the website and also provided walkthrough to update and maintain the site by themselves.

My clients like to say nice things
My clients like to say nice things